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Blogging and money

     Yesterday I got a mail from the Royal Mail, Britain.
     I said to myself: "Look, Adrian, british people are mailing you. You are an important person!" (I live in Romania). When I open the envelope, what do you know? It was a CD and an invitation to an online casino. So online casinos have so much money, made on our expense that can afford to send me, situated at more than 2500 km away, an envelope with a CD, knowing that I might throw it away, but hoping I will install the software and give them money. Now that is something. 
      Of course I threw it away.
      I have found another way of making money online. And it is free. You only invest in it with your time. No, it's not PTC or PTS or any other thing like this. It's plain-old, boring-old blogging. I determined that if you constantly write on your blog, more and more people will come to it. That of course, if you provide good content.
      So I started up with just one blog, on Blogger, this one. Then I started up another, and now I have 4. Two in english, and two in Romanian. I've set up the ads, and now the cashflow has begun. And the more I write, the more traffic I get, so, the more money I get. It's that simple. No investement of money whatsoever. I write what I like and I get paid for it.
      It is so good that I started thinking of making a guide so everyone could do the same, but there are already so many guides out there I am having second thoughts.
      I could, as well make a document in which I could explain how I did it, but that could get boring, as I didn't make it over night.
     So then I thought maybe you want to ask me particular questions. You can do this, as I am willing to share everything with everybody. In the comments section below ask me about making money for free, from blogging on Blogger.
     And don't forget to subscribe, as there will be more info on this in the future!