Pink Fire Pointer Januarie 2012


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       What is Wazzub?
       I know the name sounds stupid, and doesn't inspire much trust, for the company that wants to become the number one browser on the Internet, according to what their promoters suggest. It didn't inspire much to me either, but as long at I had nothing to lose, I gave it a shot, and this is what I found out.
       They claim that they will share their profits from advertising with their users (the ones that have registered before its official launch).
       The truth is that a new online searching engine wouldn't attract anybody, without the large amount of money that they claim they will give their pre-launch users.
       What is Wazzub actually intending?
       Wazzub wants to become a fearful rival for Google and Facebook, which produce millions of dollars every year, because we use their services. That means that we, by using Google for searching, and Facebook for socializing, are creating a huge market for big and small companies that buy publicity to promote their products to us, without Google, Facebook or the companies, giving us anything.
       So this means that we, the users, should decide how much they earn. Right? If it wasn't for us, Google wouldn't have made a penny.
       How will Wazzub make money?
       They will make money just like Google makes, by providing you with what you need (information+offers from the companies, just like any other search engine), as well as the companies ( a big number of potential customers). Everybody gets to win that way. That's the only way that something will work long term: by satisfying all parties.

       You will say: "Ok,ok, but what's in it for me?"
       Well, because they need a big number of users in the beginning, they will pay anybody that refers Wazzub to at least 3 persons. And they will pay that sum of money monthly.
       What do you have to lose?
       Nothing at all! They don't ask for your money, they don't ask you to buy any "strategy", they just ask you to bring 3 referrals until the site official launch, which is in April. You have a calculator here, where you can calculate how much you can earn.
       Sincerely, I believe it is worth a shot, given that you can register in about one minute, and tell to 3 friends in about 5 or so minutes. I reached the 3rd referral in about  10 minutes, so I am more than sure that you can make yours until April.
       You can find more information about the 5 levels of referrals on their site, or you can register here, and learn more about it afterwards.
       Ok, that's all, see you next time!

Free $50 within your grasp. offers you the chance to win a free $50 by passing a relatively easy quiz. I say relatively easy because you can find the answers on their website, but the answers are not in broad light so you pretty much have to read the whole articles from which the quiz is, or watch the videos that come with the articles. I just finished the quiz, and wait for the free money.
      Alongside with the free bankroll that is pretty much enough to start your way up in poker, without investing in it, comes a high quality training, in which anybody can learn poker, and play like a pro in a matter of weeks, so don't just stand there! Go get some free money for yourself :P!
      You can try it yourself here or here.

Mental programing.

       I know it sounds harsh! But it is a "must do" when we are talking about gambling! You have to oblige a set of rules in order to stay in the game.
       The rules are as simple as they come, but it is your mind that is tricky, that doesn't let you focus, that likes to swim with the wave, and gets carried away with it. It is almost impossible to resist the temptation to raise your betting if you are on a winning streak, but also very very hard for you to give up when you are losing. And that is what you will need to learn. The "play for fun mode" is an excellent place where you can start training those abilities. But you will have to make believe that those are real money! I am dead serious! You have to make yourself believe that you are really playing for real money, and try to respect this set of rules: 
       1.Never increase the bet when you win! This signals to the casino that you are a greedy person, and they don't go kindly with people trying to take all their money. Plus, being greedy helps them take your money, and this sends us to rule number two:
       2.Stop betting when you are on a losing streak, as fast as you can, because this means that the casino wants the money you took from them back, and they will have it back, along with your money, if you don't stop.
       3.Leave the casino while you are ahead. Yes, leave it be! Don't play for hours, even if you are winning, and you think the strategy that you are playing is so damn good. If you are winning it is because the casino wants you to  win, not because of your strategy.
       4.Always give something back. I've told you about this in the casino slots article, and it is very important that you give some of what you "earn" back. Why? Because "losing" is something, among other things, that online casinos want to teach people. If you know how to lose, and prove it by giving some back, they won't be forced to teach it to you their own way.
       These are the basic rules, that can be applied to all casinos, and all online casino games, but it is you that will have to believe them, and live by them, in order ro have an easy life with casinos. If you don't want to respect them, your life will be hell at any online casino: you will lose your money, that you worked so hard and for a long time, your plans with the money will perish, and most importantly, you will have been losing your time for nothing.

Optimism in a Seemingly Hopeless World???

Moab City Council: Resolution Abolishing Corporate Personhood and Money As Speech
Since I’ve been house-sitting in town most the winter,  I’ve taken advantage of it,  changing my tune a lot, from my usual contemplative philosophy, to getting involved in activist movements (like Occupy Moab).  Our latest endeavor is a petition to the City Council of Moab, Utah to pass a resolution that declares corporations not people and money not speech, as part of a nation-wide movement to amend the constitution  [Move to Amend].  I made both a paper non-official petition and an online one for us to present to the Moab City Council this Tuesday, January 24th.  I made the online one, intended only for locals who couldn’t sign the paper one, but it turns out some people in various parts of the world are signing it!  Oh, well, I thought, that’s good, too, because it shows Moab the world is watching.  What the heck, now I might as well open up the petition for everybody (like you) to sign, right here: 

Moab City Council: Resolution Abolishing Corporate Personhood and Money As Speech

 Let Moab know you’re watching us!  


Now... for my brainstorming-philosophizing:  Somebody recently emailed me about finding it hard to be optimistic in such a tragic world.  What to do?  

Optimism is Faith, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
Pessimism is Faithlessness, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.

I keep coming back to Spirituality, because the most powerful and successful movements for social change, whether for good or for bad, have been religious.  Religion is usually bad. But let’s focus on the small bit that’s good, because, as you will see if you read on, small good minority overpowers big bad majority.  I'm not talking religious denominations or institutions, I'm talking states of mind.  

Life's principle is to focus on the one sperm that makes it to the egg, not the millions of others that are doomed. 
Thus, my focus here is on the tiny minority, the True Triumphant. 

Harriet Tubman
Mohandas Gandhi
Look at the leading Abolitionists, like Harriet Tubman.  Look at Gandhi, Martin Luther King, George Fox.  Look at the movement against Apartheid in South Africa and Poland’s break from the USSR.  What motivated them? 

True religion is, by its very nature, unshakeable Optimism in the face of seemingly infinite Pessimism. I'm not talking fake smiles and bury-head-in-the-sand ignorant bliss of false religion. 

Spirituality is the Faith of the small against seemingly impossibly-large odds.  Faith is Optimism.  Faithlessness is Pessimism.  No movement, no revolution, can succeed for long without this Optimism.   Without Optimism, a movement is spineless, cowardly, pathetic.  Nothing succeeds without Faith. Faith is even the very essence of all scientific discovery.  Even so, such Optimism always appears foolishly naïve and childishly small to everyone but the Sprititual Mind, and this seemingly small childishness against the immensity of Pessimism is what makes the triumph of this Optimist so splendid when it happens.  This Optimist plays out our deepest yearning, our cultural mythology. 

Yes, this Optimism is the Essence of our most valued myths and fairy tales in every culture in the world.  My cynical Pessimist self thinks myth and fairy tale is silly fiction, and uses this as argument against my Optimist self.  Little does this Pessimist know he is only adding to the splendor of the Optimist in her potential triumph!  

Yes, the Spiritual Mind knows Myth and Fairy Tale express truths too deep for any pragmatic science to ever grasp.  This is because spiritual understanding is not theory, but direct experience, direct knowledge, beyond thought (beyond symbol, beyond words, beyond images).  Because it is beyond symbol, the symbols (stories) that point to it appear fantastic, as fairy tale!  Scientific theory is wonderful, but it can only be theory, can never go beyond thought (symbol, words, images), can never be direct experience, can never truly be knowledge (gnosis), direct understanding.

Examples of Humanity's Ancient Mythology:
Our Power to Overcome 
(you will recognize them, because they are our shared humanity): 

(1) The small, insignificant peasant turns out to be the Prince in disguise who comes to rule.  There are countless variations of this myth/fairy tale all over the world. 

(2) “The stone that the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone (or Capstone).”  Jews, Christians, and Rastafarians readily recognize this one.  

(3) The unassuming pauper goes through unfathomable trials, beating all his strong and glorious competitors, to triumphantly win the hand of the Princess.  

(4) The little guy (eg David) slays the Giant (eg, Goliath). 

(5) The unassuming man slays the Dragon  (this is one of the most common and ancient and world-wide)  

This mythology is the very manifestation of our biology and physics, the very principle of all of existence:
Cottonwood Seeds


1) A cottonwood seed, so tiny it floats in the air, flies on random currents with no plan, to then fall into the ground as dead, and resurrect as a giant cottonwood tree.

(2) One single bacterium or virus can enter the body of a giant and conquer it.

(3) One single spark can mean the flaming end of an entire forest.

(4) One split atom has the energy to blow up a city. 

(5) One single sperm cell, against millions of competitors, goes through incredible odds to reach the egg to become a life form unfathomably greater and more complex than the original sperm cell.  And you, yes you, were one in millions who made it to the egg!  And you were the egg!  

Yes, the Sperm Cell journey is the eternal myth of the Pauper going through trials to win the hand of the Princess, the Egg.

Now my Pessimist side, void of Intuition, can only calculate. He can take several samples out of millions of sperm cells that are headed to the egg.  And each of his samples can contain thousands of sperm cells.  He can scientifically prove that every single one of those thousands of sperm cells are destined for death, doomed.  Why?  Because none of his many samples happens to include that one and only sperm cell out of millions that will reach the egg!  He can with full self-assurance say that he statistically and scientifically proved that all sperm cells are doomed and life is hopeless! 

This is the comical trickery and essence of all of Life:  Tiny Optimism triumphs over seemingly impossibly huge Pessimism.  Life would not be life without seemingly impossibly huge Pessimism! 

Optimism is Faith,  
Pessimism is Faithlessness:  
Both go together   

My little person is Optimism, the Very Essence of Life.  My Big Tyrant is Pessimism, the Very Essence of Death.  But Optimism can’t be Optimism without Pessimism.  Life can’t be life without Death.  The Stone that the Builders rejected can’t become the Chief Capstone without being rejected!  This is why the Stone says, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  All Life and every particle in the universe is playing out this One Myth, this One Drama, the essence of every story we tell, every movie we watch!  Little Optimism faces off Big Pessimism and triumphs.  This One Myth touches our “interesting” sensor more deeply than any other story.  The Small is the Divine in disguise, and even appears to be defeated, even to the point of death, only to resurrect to overcome the Big in the end.  Then we all clap our hands and cheer with tears in our eyes!  You know exactly what I'm talking about.

I once told a religious person that gay people were “the stone that the builders rejected,” in the same way that African Americans, or any oppressed people, are the stone that the builders rejected, eventually becoming the Chief Cornerstone.  This person was appalled I could say such a thing, telling me I was blaspheming, because, he said, this “stone that the builders rejected” refers to Jesus, who was rejected, killed, buried and resurrected as King.  But, according to this person’s own logic, if he really believes, as he says, that Jesus is God and God is Omnipresent and non-changing, wouldn’t Jesus be Omnipresent, the Non-Changing Essence of All Life and All Creation?  Doesn’t his same Jesus say “I was hungry and you did not feed me” or “I was in prison and you did not visit me”?  Isn't his whole point that he is right in front of your face and you don't recognize him?  

Mother Theresa
holding real, live Jesus in the flesh
The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the unloved:
they are Jesus in disguise.
--Mother Theresa

Not knowing my transcendent nature as Sovereign Lord of all beings, 
fools condemn me as a man 
(Bhagavad Gita 9:11)

Viewing all things with equal regard
he beholds the Self in all beings 
and all beings in the Self.
He who sees me everywhere 
and sees everything in me,
to him I am never lost.
The yogi, anchored in unity, 
worships me abiding in all beings 
lives and moves in me, 
no matter how he live and move.
He who, by likening himself with others, 
senses pleasure and pain for all as for himself,
is deemed to be the highest yogi. (Bhagavad Gita 6:29-32)

The person in me who can’t recognize that an oppressed Mexican immigrant or  gay person or an abused puppy or a Third World sweat-shop child are Jesus also can't recognize that Jesus is a piece of rock that becomes the Chief Cornerstone.  

And he cannot recognize that Jesus is the Buddha and the Krishna and the Muhammad and the Lao Tzu that he rejects. In fact, his own religious dogma that appears to be pro-Jesus, his religious intolerance, is the very spirit that crucified the Jesus he claims to honor!  

An adult who abuses a child loses all conception that that child grows to an adult to haunt him, the stone he rejects becomes the chief cornerstone. His intolerance of Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and Lao Tzu is his inability to recognize that Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and Lao Tzu are actually one and the very Jesus he claims to honor.  

However, it is his intolerant mentality, his Pessimism, that makes Optimism Optimism, his Death that makes Life Life, his Battling that makes Triumph Triumph.  Again, the one who rejects the stone is the one who pushes the stone to be Chief Cornerstone. 

What is Interesting Is Truth, What is Boring Is False.
What Is Good Tastes Good, What is Bad Tastes Bad.

Now you might think that by Truth I mean our usual definition of fact, which is idea.  No!  By Truth I mean Principles.  No brain on earth can ever know facts, only theories that parade as facts!  Science imparts theories parading as facts.  Myth imparts Principles.   Theories can only be believed.  Principles are known, directly experienced.  This turns around what we've been taught all our lives, that science is fact and myth is belief.  If you meditate on what I am saying here, you will know the truth, the Principle.   

Even if you define myth as fiction, I say that fiction, by the very fact it is interesting, is proof that it is Truth, imparting Principle.  If fiction didn’t convey eternal truths, it wouldn’t be interesting, wouldn’t be a good story.  What is not interesting is not Truth.  

In the same way nutritious grass tastes good to a deer and toxic plants taste bad to the deer, so we, in our natural state, know that what is interesting is good for us.  In our natural state, good food and truth tastes good and bad food and falsehood tastes bad.  Truth is interesting and falsehood is boring.  Do you get bored in Church?  

Now when we depart from our natural state, entering addiction, we start thinking crappy commercial fast food is good and mind-numbing corporate TV and malls and megachurches with slick manican ministers are "interesting."  We think they are interesting, but we don't experience that they are interesting.  But if you really know yourself, you know that you never enjoy food you are addicted to.  If you enjoyed it, you wouldn't be addicted to it!  Addiction is grasping for an idea you think about food or drugs that you once experienced or want to experience.  Your mind is never on the food you are addicted to, never enjoying it.  You know what I am talking about.

How Did We Get Into This Addictive State?

This brings us back to our myth of our Fall From Grace, taking on the Consciousness of Credit and Debt (Good and Evil), which I talk about in

The Serpent in Eden, giving the Fruit of the Consciousness of Credit and Debt.  And he grows into the Huge Seven-Headed Dragon of Commerce, his Kingdom of Babylon controlling the whole world.  He seems impossibly, infinitely powerful.  Just looking at him fills you with Pessimism, hopelessness, because he is Pessimism Incarnate.

Now We're Back to the Myth of the Little Hero Slaying the Impossibly Powerful Dragon!

Ugaritic depiction of
Baal vs Lotan
(who becomes Leviathan in the Bible)
Yes, we’re back to the Seven-Headed Serpent, the Dragon of Commerce.  The Dragon of Pessimism who gives birth to Pessimism in your very soul.  Is it hopeless?  Or is this another replay of the infinite Myth of little guy Optimism conquering impossibly huge Pessimism?  

Yes, hark back to the cottonwood seed becoming the tree.  Hark back to the spark creating a forest fire.  Hark back to the one sperm among millions reaching the egg.  Hark back to David slaying Golliath.  Hark back to the ancient world-wide myth of the little guy slaying the Dragon. 

Hercules vs the Hydra
Little tiny you is up against the seven-headed Dragon, World Commercial Corporatocracy of Addiction and Oppression, which poisons and kills everything it touches.  Now you must decide if the ancient Myth of the Dragon slayer is just a silly story or not.  Or is it Eternal Principle?  Now you must decide if the essence of Biology is a lie or not.  

Okay, I admit, I have a part of me that doubts, too.  That's what makes this so damn scary and exciting, what makes it so interesting!  If we knew for certain, this Drama wouldn’t be so on-the-edge-of-our-seat so scary and exciting, would it?  Which do you choose, Optimism or Pessimism?  Either one you choose, you are part of the Grand Drama.

Arch-Angel Michael
vs Seven-Headed Dragon

The Seven-Headed Naga Subdued,
no longer being served,
but being servant to Vishnu:
the sign of Enlightenment

Revelation's Queen of Heaven
vs the Seven-Headed Dragon

The Seven-Headed Naga Subdued,
is no longer being served,
but being servant to Buddha,
the sign of Enlightenment



Free strategy for roulette.

       This time I will present to you the sole strategy that offers you  more chances of winning at roulette than any software worth 100 bucks. If you've read my previous post about roulette you might remember that I've said there is only one flaw in the system. This free strategy exploits that flaw. I want to warn you from the start that this strategy is not flawless, but again, gives you an edge when betting.
       The strategy is based on the fact that there are more Red and Odd numbers (10) than Red and Even (8), and more Black and Even numbers (10) than Black and Odd (8). At first you would say: "Well, what's the advantage? There are both 10 Red and Odd and both 10 Black and Even, so there is no advantage!" You might be right, but that would be only if you would bet on one of Red, Black, Even, or Odd. This strategy combines two outside bets like this:

       The purpose is to cover most of the table with a few chips, so you would not have to increase the bet to win, and have more chances of winning than losing. In the first picture you can see the Black&Even bet. In this case you only lose if the ball stops on one of the Red&Odd numbers (10/36), and you win if it stops on Black, Even (you just win your money back) or Black&Even (you double your money). This is very good because your losing chances are only 27%, including the case if the ball stops on 0! Which is very good at roulette! In case you hit one of these cases, because it is possible, due to the laws of probability, you will have  to double down the bet, until you hit a Black&Even. And there are  the same odds with Red&Odd bets. This strategy works better on casinos that allow you minimal bets of $0.10, so you won't have to freak out when you will have to double three or four times, until you win with both bets. Of course this is going to be slower, but you have to keep in mind that: "Patience is the companion of wisdom", as Saint Augustine said.
       I could give you the names of some casinos that allow such small outside bets, but that would mean that I will advertise for free, and mostly, that I encourage you to gamble, which I don't want! Gambleing is a sickness, a cancer, that can be cured, but it is very hard. I gave you this free strategy because I believe it is the best way of making extra money (not much), and you deserve the best! If you will get greedy and gamble big with this strategy, as with any other, you will lose, but I will tell you about some rules of gambling at roulette some other time, because this is becoming a long post!
       See you next time, and remember: Always use this strategy at low-roller roulette tables, use it wisely, and do not get greedy! Making a few bucks or euros (max. $3) per day means that you will make $90 per month, which is not much, but you have to keep in mind that you didn't work hard for that, and it is always better to  stay out of the casino radar!

Casino Slots games.

       Hello again! If you find yourselves playing casino slots on an online casino, on real money, quit! Just log out and quit the casino!
Slots is one of the best things that the casinos have invented (for them). There is absolutely nothing that you can do to influence the winnings. You just watch how you account is drain of the precious mana, that is your money. I really hate watching how my account is depleted of the money I've worked for. How about you? You can't win at this game, you can't even "play" it, because you have nothing to do but just watch, so why do people create account on casinos, just for slots? It is because of the promise of the huge jackpots? Or is it because they have to much money, and they have no idea on how to spend it? Or maybe because someone told them that it's a great game of earning revenue, and they believed? I don't know, but any realistic person will only play this game for fun, in "fun mode", not in "real money" mode. Casino slots always remind me of a priest in my country that every sunday, after finishing his job at the church, he always stopped on his way home at a local bar to play at the slots machine. Another purpose you can use casino slots is to diminish the attention the casinos start giving you after winning over and over at other games, just because it is such an easy way of losing just the amount of money you want, to drop of their "all-seeing radar". But yet again, you may say: " Why would I want to lose my money, on purpose? The money I had so hardly worked for?" Because, first on, this is not your money, I mean not all of it. It is the casinos money, and as I said it before, they don't like to lose at their own game, so they will make you lose, if you don't want to! And you will lose as much as they want. So it is better to give back some of the money you've "sweat" for and, in this case, slots is the most convenient way of doing that!

Online Poker Hold'em.

      This one is an interesting way of making money, because there are a lot of ways you can make money and not invest (or deposit as you may want to name it). It's possible at least on one online poker server: Poker Stars. How?
Well all you have to do is create an account on, download the casino and play. You can participate at freeroll tournaments and, if you finish among the first players, you will receive payment in cash. After you've made some cash this way, you can play at low pot limit Hold'em tables and win much more. As in the case of online Blackjack, it is best for you to play with some friends at the same tables, and collaborate with them. If you know what cards other 2 or 3 or 4 players have in hand at your table your chances of winning increase dramatically, and those of losing decrease. Another good thing to do at poker is to call every hand in the beginning, regardless of the weak or strong cards you have in hand. You can do this especially in the beginning of the game, when everybody has the same amount of chips. But don't bet big after the first 3 cards are down and you don't have not even a good pair, and especially, don't go all-in, because chances are, you will lose everything. Learn your adversaries, learn which one of them are bluffing (eventhough they don't have anything) by watching carefully the whole game, not only when you are betting. Another good thing you can try out is to play at less known casinos. This is because at Poker Stars you will encounter newbies as well as world-wide poker masters, and other well trained players. Whereas at other casinos, that have slots, roulette, and other games, you will encounter mostly people who are addicted to gambling and will say: "Go on, take my money! I don't need it anymore! I just came here to satisfy my need for gambling :)!". So, good luck at the tables, and remember: Do not put money in this game! It is absolutely unnecessary. There are freeroll tournaments every 4 hours, non-stop. If you cannot win at those, it will be very hard for you to win when your real money is on the table. You don't have to win them all. It is enough to win one a day and you will win more than you ever won at any casino.

Making easy money, without investing.

       This one works, among others, without you investing your precious money in it simply because others do it for you! They put money in the game just to see their company started, or to buy goods, or estates in the game. It is kind of silly but there actually are people doing it.
       All you have to do in the beginning is work and fight ( the second one is optional, but it gives you additional money, so it's good to do it too). You can create your own account here:
       After registering, login into your account , click work and a list of the available work will appear. All you have to do is click the "work now" button. This will immediately give you a small amount at the beginning, but it will gradually increase over time, with your experience. After working, you will not be able to work for 24 hours. You can on the other hand fight with other players ( better find the ones that are weaker than you, which have less energy or defence). 
       It's a new game but there are many of this type. I chose this one because it's in my home country and I kind of thrust it for that...
       Anyways, good luck and one more thing: you can also make more money by getting affiliates, but I will let you read the description page on the site. There are a lot of cool things there, so have fun!

Online Blackjack

       This will be a short one,  cause this game is almost as cunning as video slots!
       Again, I've said it before and I am going to repeat it: No one develops a software that will produce him a negative balance. And Blackjack is one of the most profitable for casino owners, because of the fact that it is so very hard to beat it long term, and short term that it gives almost 100% of the players money to the casino.
       The aim of  Blackjack is to accumulate a total of 21 (or close),  without exceeding 21. So it is very easy  for the casino software to give you a high value card (10,J,Q,K) when you already have a total on 12, 13 or whatever, or to give you small value cards when you have a total of 6,7, and so on, in order to make you stand, or surrender.
       The best initial hand at Blackjack is of course A J, 21, but a 10 10 is also a winner in most cases. Anywys, there are multiple strategies of playing, based on the number of decks, if double after split is allowed, and so on.
       Here is an example of strategy for 4-8 decks, dealer standing on soft 17, and late surrender:


S = Stand
H = Hit
Dh = Double (if not allowed, then hit)
Ds = Double (if not allowed, then stand)
SP = Split
SU = Surrender (if not allowed, then hit.)

       A safer way to bet at Blackjack is to play along with someone you know. Don't play alone. If you play with a friend, you will tell him your cards, he will tell you his cards and that way, the two of you have better chances of winning, and then you can split the money :P.
       Always wager small. You don't need to waste all your money on one bet. That way you will definitetly lose all of them! Wagger just as much as the minimum wager is, double on your own risk, and as I told you, play with a friend, or two. That way you odds will rocket to the sky, believe me, that is the only way you will ever earn something from online casinos.
       I wish you the best of luck and always remember to bet only the money you can afford to lose, nothing more!

Online Roulette

       Online roulette is one of my favorites. I've been studying it for a long time and, surprisingly, I found only little weaknesses in the system that generates the numbers.
If you are new to roulette you might think it's easy to win. Well I am very sorry to tell you that it is not the case to burst with joy. Of course there are tons of materials on the Internet (websites dedicated to roulette, software that "predict" what the next number will be, strategies that you can apply) but almost all of them are good just for a day or two, but lose in the long run. Let me tell you something you probably know: No one is going to create a game and share it with the masses, for people to play and win, and for him/her to lose ! If you would want (and have the initial money) to start an online casino would you like to win because of the greed and the need for money, or would you accept to lose all your money to the people playing and go bankrupt in a couple of days, even hours? If you google for it, you can find plenty of software that promise you it can predict what the next spins will be, but no one that really tried it will recommend it, cause eventually, the guy sitting behind the casino software will pull the plug AND YOU WILL LOSE! For sure! The only real imperfection of the game is that there are 10 numbers that are Red&Odd and only 8 Red&Even. So you are better of betting on red and odd than spending a fortune on useless software. But maybe I will elaborate that strategy in a future post, if there will be anyone interested in that. So, bottom line is: Only bet at roulette small amounts of money, the kind of money that you can live without, don't sell your car, house, wife in order to make money that you will lose playing this game, or worse, buying software or strategies that have no value, and always be aware that the casino is watching you and when you expect the least, you will lose all the money you managed to earn in weeks or even months!

Islamic regime starts 2012 by executing 3 people per day

xpressing concern is not enough; please take action!
Mina Ahadi’s open letter to Catherine Ashton, EU Foreign Affairs Chief
Critics of Islam, political activists and others are executed daily in Iran; in the first few days of 2012 the Islamic regime of Iran has ‘upgraded’ its body count to three per day. It is not enough to issue letters of protest. This regime must be diplomatically isolated internationally. Its representatives must be expelled from international assemblies. Its embassies must be shut down.
On 11 January 2012 two youth were executed in Evin prison. One of them was identified as ‘Fazlollah’ for the crime described as rape; the other’s name was given as ‘Jalal’ and his crime was described as follows by the Islamic regime: “Jalal intended to marry a girl called Fariba, but he subsequently raped her, and because of this, Fariba committed suicide”. Today, Evin prison witnessed the execution of these two individuals. Of course, everybody knows that the Islamic regime’s courts are medieval and executions are political.
In order to subjugate people on the eve of every so-called election and in anticipation of any internal political tension, the Islamic regime cruelly sacrifices a number of individuals, hoping that this will silence everyone else.
The year 2012 began with more bloodletting because the Islamic regime is more beleaguered than ever and fears the people more than ever. Of course, the execution of these two youths in Evin prison on 11 January 2012 was not the first execution in Evin this year. In the first few days of the year, 22 people had secretly been executed there.
Together with the report of the two executions in Evin, we have received news that the Judiciary has condemned two Iranian-Afghan citizens to death in one of its courts of injustice. The execution of Iranian-Afghans and brutality towards them already figure prominently in the Islamic regime’s catalogue of crimes, and hundreds of Afghans have been secretly executed in Iran.
Of course, the execution of political activists is still on the Islamic regime’s agenda. Among the reports of the latest executions in Iran there is news of the plot against three Kurdish political activists who may well be condemned to death. Changiz Qadam Kheir, Shurosh Rezai and Fardin Farji, who were arrested in 2011 were framed and could now face death sentences. These three individuals, for your information, were forced with torture and intimidation to confess on Press TV. Press TV is the Islamic Republic’s television station based in London. It has been involved in obtaining forced confessions from others including the Iran stoning case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. It broadcast a programme featuring Sakineh and her son, promising them their freedom after incriminating themselves in this fabricated documentary. This television channel is an arm of the Islamic Republic’s intelligence apparatus and some of its journalists are professional interrogators of the Islamic regime.
Moreover, there are currently five people being investigated by the Islamic regime’s courts in a case known as ‘Heretics 3’; so far, two of them have been condemned to death. Vahid Asghari, aged 25, was condemned to death for maintaining a website against religion and Islam. Ahmadreza Hashempur was condemned to death for keeping an anti-religious and, according to the regime, “obscene” website. He is 40 years old and holds a doctorate. The death sentence was confirmed on appeal by the regime’s Supreme Court on 11 January 2012.
The Islamic regime has declared that these individuals’ websites were “obscene and anti-religious”. Saeid Malekpour, an Iranian-Canadian citizen, was condemned to death earlier for the same crime, and his case is currently before the regime’s Supreme Court. Clearly, criticism of religion and Islam or maintaining a website can lead people to the gallows in Iran. Of course, according to Iranian law apostasy is punishable by death.
Ms Ashton!
I would like to inform you that Zaniar Moradi, a 21 year old youth who could be executed at any time, managed to send messages outside the prison pleading with the people of the world not to allow him to be killed. Please imagine how it might feel to be a 21-year-old boy who has spent the past two years in prison enduring the tortures and barbaric behaviour of a handful of murderers, and who, together with his cousin, could be executed at any moment. Zaniar is waiting for the world to protest against these crimes and atrocities. In a letter, Zaniar has described the torture methods and rape threats that have been used against him by the regime’s interrogators, and now at any time he could be executed in public along with his cousin, Loqman Moradi, aged 25. These two prisoners’ relatives have implored the people of the world to help to save their boys.
Another such case is the Islamic regime’s flagrant plot against Amir Mirzai Hekmati, an Iranian-American who is in imminent danger of having his death sentence carried out. Amir Mirzai Hekmati, an American of Iranian ancestry, was sentenced to death for ‘corruption on Earth’. His family says that this 25-year-old, who was born in America, had gone to Iran to visit his grandmother and is now in danger of execution. Apparently he too, like other prisoners, was tortured and forced to confess on television, similarly to Sakineh.
Please note the following execution statistics.
While in 2011 two people were executed per day, the regime has begun the year 2012 by executing three people per day. In the past ten days, reports regarding Iranian prisons have been as follows:
During the first days of 2012, Salah Rashidiyyeh was executed in Zanjan prison.
On Tuesday, 3 January, two people were executed in Arak prison.
On Wednesday, 4 January, five people were executed in Zanjan central prison. Their names were not revealed but their crimes were claimed to be drug-related.
On Wednesday, 4 January, one person was executed in Semnan prison.
On Thursday, 5 January, a 53-year-old prisoner named Nazar Ali Moradi was executed in Khorin prison, Varamin, for possession of 215 grammes of heroin and a kilogramme of opium.
At the same time, eight other people were executed in various Iranian prisons. Three were executed in public in Kermanshah. It was announced that these three, identified as Alireza Ahmadi, son of Khodadad, aged 48, Sadeq Eskandari, son of Vali, aged 33, and Sasan Basami, son of Jahangir, aged 36, had been condemned to death for “armed robbery of the Sepah Bank in Kermanshah” last August. The other five were hanged in the prisons of Kerman and Bam.
On Saturday, 7 January, one person was publicly executed in a village near Gachsaran.
On Wednesday, 11 January, two people were executed in Evin prison.
The real number of executions is greater, since some are carried out secretly. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has recently published information about the secret execution of hundreds of people in Vakil Abad prison, Mashhad, and revealed the names of 101 of them. These executions were collective, and the condemned were prevented from bidding their loved ones farewell. Only hours before their executions, they were instructed to write their wills and perform ritual ablutions. Their death certificates, with cause of death being ‘judicial killing’ were issued at times a day before their executions. This is the Islamic regime of Iran!
Last year, Amnesty International confirmed the execution of 252 people in Iran during the year 2011, and announced an additional 300 instances of secret execution on the basis of reliable reports.
Ms Ashton!
We agree that we are dealing with a regime which perpetrates crimes and atrocities and whose behaviour does not change even in response to letters of protest such as your own. This has been going on for many years.
The International Committee Against Execution is asking you to support a policy of isolating this regime, to initiate serious actions including the closure of the regime’s embassies in European countries to protest the executions of hundreds of Iranian dissidents, to give succour to those condemned to die and to the victims of the regime’s brutality, and to show that you are truly concerned with saving the lives of Zaniar and the critics of Islam and likewise with defending freedom of speech and the human dignity of individuals. We are asking you to show that your actions are not limited to sending the occasional letter of protest without great practical effect.
Mina Ahadi
International Committee Against Execution
International Committee against Stoning
11 January 2012
Tel: +49 177 569 2413.